Artist: Judith Barr


Would you like a consultation or more information? 

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We’ll set up a time to talk to make sure we’ll work well together.

Divorce Coaching For Individuals and Couples

Divorce raises so many difficult questions:

  • Can I get through this crisis?
  • How can I accept accept that the marriage is over?
  • What’s best way to help my children?
  • How can we co-parent well?
  • What team of advisors do I need to guide me through this process?

Divorce provokes powerful emotions - hurt, anger, fear, grief, guilt, resentment, ambivalence and many others.

As I've worked with those dealing with divorce, I have learned how important coaching after the decision is made to help couples or individuals work through the complex emotional and practical challenges divorce inevitably creates both for them and for their children.

As a Divorce Coach, I can provide the emotional support and down-to-earth advice to help you during the  divorce, and create a new healthy life for yourself.

I have a broad perspective on the wide range of divorce issues and can help you and your partner, or you alone work through the emotional issues that divorce provokes - help you get a "good divorce" and avoid the turmoil and pain a "bad divorce" inflicts on the whole family.

About My Experience

I have worked with women and men individually and as couples trying to decide about the future, navigate the complexities of divorce and build a new life for themselves. I offer support, compassion and practical advice throughout the entire process.

I co-authored a comprehensive activity book focused on divorce that provides step-by-step guidance on every aspect of the end of a committed relationship.  Writing this book - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do - has given me an in-depth understanding of every aspect of divorce, such as:

  • Helping children cope with these dramatic changes
  • Building a new single life
  • Managing the practical aspects (money, lawyers, tax considerations) in collaboration with other professional advisers
  • Avoiding after-divorce traps

What Jen M. says about me:
Barbara was incredibly important to our successful collaborative divorce process, guiding us so well towards a better understanding of

ourselves, each other, and towards supportive and productive communication. And, she did so with directness, compassion, deep experience and a wonderful sense of humor. We are better as individuals and as parenting partners for having worked with Barbara.