Artist: Judith Barr

Family Conflict

Would you like a consultation or more information? 

​Contact me through email at 

We’ll set up a time to talk to make sure we’ll work well together.

Relationship Clashes

Our world is complicated, stressful and always changing.

The challenges your family is facing may be chronic, in response to a crisis or just the normal stages all of us go through.

Having an experienced resource to figure out a coping strategy for the whole family can make all the difference.

I can be that resource if you are: 

  • Fighting about critical family decisions
  • Feeling powerless to help a family member in crisis
  • Getting confused by contradictory advice you’re getting about major changes in your family
  • Trying to resolve tension that that seems to erode your family's values and goals
  • Worried that healthy family relationships are being destroyed by fighting and bickering
  • Dealing with in-laws who don’t seem to fit into the family culture

About My Experience
I am a independently licenced marriage and family therapist and supervisor (IMFT-S). I have worked with parents of adult children, in-laws, siblings, newlyweds, recent widows and many others.  Because I think of families as complicated systems, I can help you find new ways of interacting, set appropriate boundaries, reduce tension and modify long-standing ineffective communication patterns.

Together we can develop a plan, engage other family members and implement changes that work. 

What Marilyn P. Says about Me:
We were upset about how our relationship with our son and daughter-in-law was going.  We didn't know how to fix it.  We didn't want the tensions to escalate.  Barb calmed us down and helped us to see where our kids were coming from.  Now we stop and think before we act or overreact to situations.